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IVI Compliance Package

Disabling Unused Extensions (IviACPwr)

The following attribute values effectively disable the specified extension capability groups.

Extension GroupPropertyValue
IviACPwrPhaseSee Disabling the IVIACPwrPhase Extension GroupSee Disabling the IVIACPwrPhase Extension Group
IviACPwrExternalSyncIviACPwr External Sync Enabled [ES]False
IviACPwrCurrentProtectionIviACPwr Current Protection Enabled [CP]False
IviACPwrVoltageProtectionIviACPwr Under Voltage Protection Enabled [VP]
IviACPwr Over Voltage Protection Enabled [VP]
IviACPwrArbWaveformIviACPwr WaveformSine
IviACPwrImpedanceIviACPwr Output Impedance Enabled [IMP]False
IviACPwrDCGenerationIviACPwr ModeAC Only

The following extension groups are not disabled by the IviACPwr driver:

  • IviACPwrMeasurement
  • IviACPwrVoltageRamp
  • IviACPwrCurrentRamp
  • IviACPwrFrequencyRamp

Disabling the IviACPwrPhase Extension Group

The IviACPwr Phase Angle [PHA] property value in the IviACPwrPhase capability group for each output phase should be initialized to a known value based on the following equation:

Phase Angle = 360 – [ (Phase Number – 1) * 360 / Number of Phases]

Where Phase Number is the 1-based output phase index and Number of Phases is the NumPhases property defined in IviACPwrBase. For example, the initialized phase angle values for a three-phase power source are shown in the following table.

Output PhaseIviACPwr Phase Angle [PHA] Property Value
2 (Phase B)240
3 (Phase C)120