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IVI Compliance Package

IviACPwrPhase Extension Group

The IviACPwrPhase extension group defines extensions for AC power sources which support multiple phase operation. The phase angle is given in reference to Phase A (Phase A maps to output phase index 1, Phase B maps to output phase index 2, and so on). The VIs and properties in the IviACPwrPhase extension group will allow for positive leading and negative lagging phase angles relative to Phase A. If an instrument only allows positive phase angles or defines positive angles as lagging relative to phase A, the driver must translate the user value to the instrument value.

In the following example, Phase B set to negative 120 degrees lagging relative to Phase A translates to positive 240 degrees leading relative to Phase A.

The definition of phase rotation or phase sequence is that the correct phase sequence will be A-B-C in all cases. This sequence is shown in the following oscilloscope capture:

IviACPwrPhase VIs

IviACPwr Configure Phase Angle [PHS]

IviACPwrPhase Properties

IviACPwr Phase Angle [PHS]

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IviACPwrPhase Behavior Model