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IVI Compliance Package

IviCounter Terminology

This help file uses the following terms and acronyms that are specific to the IviCounter class.

To take a measurement, you must have arming, gating, and trigger events.

Arming—A pre-trigger condition that must be fulfilled before a measurement is allowed to start or stop.

Estimate—The approximate expected measurement value.

Event—A signal on a measurement channel passing through a specific voltage level with a specific slope.

External Arming—The start and stop arm may be configured to allow start and stop on rising or falling edges or both. Delays after the start arm and/or stop arm may be programmed.

External Gating—Gating from an external source.

Gating—Time during which a measurement is made.

Immediate Arming—Always armed. The programmed aperture time defines the start arm, synchronized with the trigger threshold, and the measurement time.

Internal Gating—The programmed aperture time defines the gate that is synchronized with the trigger threshold.

Resolution—The smallest distinguishable value required from a measurement. The resolution is the quantization size, or the smallest delta value, that can be detected.

Trigger—The threshold at which measurement commences.

Trigger Level—The specific voltage level at which a trigger occurs.

Trigger Slope—The direction of the voltage change that produces a trigger. The voltage change for a positive slope is from a lower voltage level to a higher voltage level. The voltage change for a negative slope is from a higher voltage level to a lower voltage level.