IviDigitizer Simulator Setup Dialog Box
You can use two sets of properties with the IviDigitizer Simulation Driver. Use the dialog box shown in the following figure to configure the measurement simulation for the IviDigitizer Simulator Driver.
Simulator Setup Dialog Box
Always prompt for output data simulation
Leaving this control selected causes the panel to appear at every measurement acquisition event in your program. All simulated acquisitions in the program use the same measurement configuration information. Deselecting this control causes the measurement simulation panel to never appear again during the course of your program.
This control specifies the channel for which you want to configure a simulation waveform.
This control selects the waveform to use for the simulated signal.
This control selects the frequency of the waveform to simulate at the selected channel. This value does not affect simulation behavior when the waveform is set to DC.
Valid Range: 100.0 to 15.0E6 Hz
This control selects the peak-to-peak amplitude of the waveform to simulate at the selected channel. This value does not affect simulation behavior when the waveform is set to DC.
Valid Range: 50.0E-3 to 10.0 Vpp
DC Offset
This control selects the DC offset of the waveform to simulate at the selected channel.
Valid Range: -5.0 to 5.0 V
Phase Shift
This control selects the starting phase of the waveform to simulate at the selected channel. This value does not affect simulation behavior when the waveform is set to DC.
Valid Range: 0.0 to 360.0 degrees
This control selects the signal-to-noise ratio of the simulated signal. The SNR determines the amount of noise to introduce into the waveform generation. This option allows you to simulate less than perfect waveforms.
Valid Range: 0.001 to +inf