IviDigitizerDataInterleavedChannels Extension Group
The IviDigitizerDataInterleavedChannels extension group supports digitizers with the ability to interleave data samples from different channels into a single set of data. This feature allows data from multiple digitizer channels to be returned by the digitizer in a single data retrieval operation. The retrieved data values from each combined channel are interleaved so that all data points taken at a single instant follow one another before the next time that the samples begin.
This feature is most common in digitizers that are designed to read I/Q data. The I signal is attached to one digitizer channel and the Q data to another. You can combine the channels using the IviDigitizerDataInterleavedChannels extension group so that a single data retrieval call returns complex I/Q data from both channels.
IviDigitizerDataInterleavedChannels VIs
IviDigitizer Configure Data Interleaved Channel List
IviDigitizerDataInterleavedChannels Properties