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Property Value Definitions

IVI Compliance Package

IviDmm Property Value Definitions

The following table defines values for each property constant in the IviDmm class.

Note  In the following table, the literal string IVIDMM precedes the property name, and the literal string IVIDMM precedes the value extension name.

IviDmm Property Defined Values

Property Value Name Defined Value Definitions
APERTURE TIME UNITS Seconds 0 Reports that the units for the value returned by IviDmm Aperture Time are seconds
Power Line Cycles 1 Reports that the units for the value returned by IviDmm Aperture Time are Powerline Cycles.
AUTO ZER0 Off 0 Disables auto-ranging. The DMM sets the range to the value it most recently calculated. Further queries of this property return the actual range.
On 1 Configures the DMM to take a Zero Reading for each measurement. The DMM subtracts the Zero Reading from the value it measures.
Once 2 Configures the DMM to calculate the range before the next measurement. The DMM uses this range value for all subsequent measurements. Further queries of this property should return the actual range.
FUNCTION DC Volts 1 Sets the DMM to measure DC voltage.
AC Volts 2 Sets the DMM to measure AC voltage.
DC Current 3 Sets the DMM to measure DC current.
AC Current 4 Sets the DMM to measure AC current.
2 Wire Resistance 5 Sets the DMM to measure 2-wire resistance.
4 Wire Resistance 101 Sets the DMM to measure 4-wire resistance.
Frequency 104 Sets the DMM to measure frequency.
Period 105 Sets the DMM to measure period.
AC + DC Volts 106 Sets the DMM to measure AC plus DC voltage.
AC + DC Current 107 Sets the DMM to measure AC plus DC current.
Temperature 108 Sets the DMM to measure temperature in Celsius.
MEAS COMPLETE DEST None -1 The measurement complete signal is not routed.
External 2 Routes the measurement-complete signal to the external connector.
PXI TRIG0 or VXI TTL0 111 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL0.
PXI TRIG1 or VXI TTL1 112 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL1.
PXI TRIG2 or VXI TTL2 113 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL2.
PXI TRIG3 or VXI TTL3 114 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL3.
PXI TRIG4 or VXI TTL4 115 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL4.
PXI TRIG5 or VXI TTL5 116 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL5.
PXI TRIG6 or VXI TTL6 117 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL6.
PXI TRIG7 or VXI TTL7 118 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL7.
ECLO 119 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on ECL0.
ECL1 120 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on ECL1.
PXI Star 131 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on the PXI Star trigger bus.
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RANGE On -1.0 Configures the DMM to calculate the range before each measurement automatically. When this property is set to IVIDMM_VAL_AUTO_RANGE_ON, you can obtain the actual range the DMM is currently using by getting the value of the IviDmm Auto Range Value property.
Off -2.0 Disables auto-ranging. The DMM sets the range to the value it most recently calculated. Further queries of this property return the actual range.
Once -3.0 Configures the DMM to calculate the range before the next measurement. The DMM uses this range value for all subsequent measurements. Further queries of this property should return the actual range.
SAMPLE TRIGGER Immediate 1 1
External 2 2
Software Trigger Function 3 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger state or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when the IviDmm Send Software Trigger VI executes.
Interval 10 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when the length of time specified by the IviDmm Sample Interval property elapses.
PXI TRIG0 or VXI TTL0 111 111
PXI TRIG1 or VXI TTL1 112 112
PXI TRIG2 or VXI TTL2 113 113
PXI TRIG3 or VXI TTL3 114 114
PXI TRIG4 or VXI TTL4 115 115
PXI TRIG5 or VXI TTL5 116 116
PXI TRIG6 or VXI TTL6 117 117
PXI TRIG7 or VXI TTL7 118 118
ECLO 119 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on ECL0.
ECL1 120 120
PXI Star 131 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on the PXI Star trigger bus.
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TEMP TC REF JUNC TYPE Internal 1 Sets the DMM to use a fixed value for the thermocouple junction compensation.
Fixed 2 Sets the DMM to use a fixed value for the thermocouple junction compensation.
TEMP TC TYPE B 1 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a B-type thermocouple.
C 2 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a C-type thermocouple.
D 3 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a D-type thermocouple.
E 4 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a E-type thermocouple.
G 5 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a G-type thermocouple.
J 6 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a J-type thermocouple.
K 7 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a K-type thermocouple.
N 8 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a N-type thermocouple.
R 9 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a R-type thermocouple.
S 10 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a S-type thermocouple.
T 11 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a T-type thermocouple.
U 12 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a U-type thermocouple.
V 13 Sets the DMM to measure temperature from a V-type thermocouple.
TEMP TRANSDUCER TYPE Thermocouple 1 Sets the DMM to measure temperature using a thermocouple. Use the IviDmmThermocouple extension group to configure additional settings for this transducer type.
Thermistor 2 Sets the DMM to measure temperature using a thermistor. Use the IviDmmThermistor extension group to configure additional settings for this transducer type.
2-Wire RTD 3 Sets the DMM to measure temperature using a 2-wire temperature resistance device. Use the IviDmmResistanceTemperatureDevice Extension Group to configure additional settings for this transducer type.
4-Wire RTD 4 Sets the DMM to measure temperature using a 4-wire temperature resistance device. Use the IviDmmResistanceTemperatureDevice Extension Group to configure additional settings for this transducer type.
TRIGGER DELAY On -1.0 Configures the DMM to calculate the trigger delay before each measurement.
Off -2.0

Stops the DMM from calculating the trigger delay. Sets the trigger delay to the last trigger delay the DMM calculated.

Note  After you set this property to IVIDMM_VAL_AUTO_DELAY_OFF, further queries of this property should return the actual delay.
TRIGGER SLOPE Positive 0 Sets the trigger event to occur on the rising edge of the trigger pulse.
Negative 1 Sets the trigger event to occur on the falling edge of the trigger pulse.
TRIGGER SOURCE Immediate 1 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger state or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state immediately after entering. It does not wait for a trigger of any kind.
External 2 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger state when a trigger occurs on the external trigger input.
Software Trigger Function 3 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger state or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when the IviDmm Send Software Trigger VI executes.
PXI TRIG0 or VXI TTL0 111 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL0.
PXI TRIG1 or VXI TTL1 112 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL1.
PXI TRIG2 or VXI TTL2 113 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL2.
PXI TRIG3 or VXI TTL3 114 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL3.
PXI TRIG4 or VXI TTL4 115 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL4.
PXI TRIG5 or VXI TTL5 116 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL5.
PXI TRIG6 or VXI TTL6 117 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL6.
PXI TRIG7 or VXI TTL7 118 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on TTL7.
ECLO 119 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on ECL0.
ECL1 120 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on ECL1.
PXI Star 131 The DMM exits the Wait-For-Trigger or the Wait-For-Sample-Trigger state when it receives a trigger on the PXI Star trigger bus.
RTSI0 140
RTSI1 141
RTSI2 142
RTSI3 143
RTSI4 144
RTSI5 145
RTSI6 146

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