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Arbitrary Waveform Offset

IVI Compliance Package

IviFgen Arbitrary Waveform Offset [ARB]

IviFgenArbWfm Property [ARB]

Data Type Access Applies to Coercion High Level VIs
R/W Channel N/A IviFgen Configure Arbitrary Waveform [ARB]


This channel-based property specifies the value the function generator adds to the arbitrary waveform data. When you create arbitrary waveforms, you must first normalize the data points to the range –1.0 to +1.0. You use this property to shift the arbitrary waveform's range. The units are volts (V). For example, when you set this property to 1.0, the output signal ranges from 2.0 V to 0.0 V.

You use this property when the IviFgen Output Mode property is set to IVIFGEN_VAL_OUTPUT_ARB or IVIFGEN_VAL_OUTPUT_SEQ.

Property Node Path

IviFgen»Arbitrary Waveform Output»Arbitrary Waveform Offset [ARB]