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Arbitrary Waveform Handle

IVI Compliance Package

IviFgen Arbitrary Waveform Handle [ARB]

IviFgenArbWfm Property [ARB]

Data Type Access Applies to Coercion High Level VIs
R/W Channel N/A IviFgen Configure Arbitrary Waveform [ARB]


This channel-based property identifies which arbitrary waveform the function generator produces. You can create multiple arbitrary waveforms using the IviFgen Create Arbitrary Waveform VI. The Create Arbitrary Waveform [ARB] VI returns a handle that you use to identify the particular waveform. To configure the function generator to produce a particular waveform, you set this property to the waveform's handle.

You use this property only when the IviFgen Output Mode property is set to IVIFGEN_VAL_OUTPUT_ARB.

Property Node Path

IviFgen»Arbitrary Waveform Output»Arbitrary Waveform Handle [ARB]