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IviFgen Class Driver Overview

IVI Compliance Package

IviFgen Class Driver Overview

This instrument driver provides programming support for the IviFgen Class. The IviFgen class driver conceptualizes a function generator as an instrument capable of generating an analog voltage waveform, and can be applied to a wide range of instruments. The output signal is typically functional in nature (for example sinusoidal or square). Some instruments support the generation of arbitrary waveforms, which consist of user-specified data. If the function generator also supports the generation of arbitrary waveform sequences, the output signal can consist of a sequence of repeated arbitrary waveforms. The IviFgen class driver is divided into base capabilities and extensions. The base capabilities configure a function generator for basic signal output. With the extensions, you can configure a function generator to generate a specific type of waveform. An instrument driver must support either the IviFgenStdFunc or IviFgenArbWfm extension. The driver contains all the VIs that the IVI Foundation requires for the IviFgen specification. This driver requires NI-VISA and the IVI Compliance Package to be installed.

Use this driver to develop programs that are independent of a particular function generator. You can use this class driver with any function generator that has an IVI instrument specific driver that is compliant with the IviFgen class. The IviFgen class driver accesses the specific driver for your instrument using the configuration information you supply with MAX.

The IviFgen class driver divides instrument capabilities into a IviFgenBase capability group and multiple extension capability groups. The IviFgenBase group supports function generators capable of configuring output impedances and the reference clock source, and enabling and disabling the function generator's outputs. The base capabilities alone do not support generating an output signal. Instead, a function generator must support at least one of the signal output extensions: IviFgenStdFunc, IviFgenArbWfm, or IviFgenArbSeq. These VIs and properties are implemented by all function generator instrument drivers that are compliant with the IviFgen class.

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