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IVI Compliance Package

IviScope ContinuousAcquisition Behavior Model

The following behavior diagram shows relationships between IviScopeContinuousAcquisition capabilities and oscilloscope behavior.

IviScope ContinuousAcquisition Behavior Model

The IviScopeContinuousAcquisition extension group adds the property that controls whether the instrument operates in a single-shot mode or it acquires the data continuously.

After the oscilloscope completes an acquisition, if the IviScope Initiate Continuous [CA] property is set to TRUE, the instrument goes to the Wait-for-Trigger state instead of returning to the Idle state. In the Wait-for-Trigger state, the oscilloscope display updates continuously. This specification does not define the behavior of the read and fetch VIs when this property is set to TRUE. The behavior of these VIs is instrument specific.