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Property Value Definitions

IVI Compliance Package

IviScope Property Value Definitions

The following table defines the value for each property constant in the IviScope class driver.

IviScope Property Defined Values

Property Value Name Defined Value Description
VERTICAL COUPLING AC 0 The oscilloscope AC couples the input signal.
DC 1 The oscilloscope DC couples the input signal.
GND 2 The oscilloscope ground couples the input signal.
PROBE ATTENUATION Probe Sense On –1 Setting this property to IVISCOPE_VAL_PROBE_SENSE_ON configures the oscilloscope to sense the attenuation of the probe automatically. After you enable the automatic probe sense, subsequent queries of this property return the value IVISCOPE_VAL_PROBE_SENSE_ON. Use the IviScope Probe Sense Value property to obtain the actual probe attenuation.

If you set the oscilloscope to sense the probe attenuation automatically, the probe attenuation value can change at any time. When the oscilloscope detects a new probe attenuation value, other settings in the oscilloscope might also change. The driver has no way of knowing when these changes occur. Therefore, when you enable the automatic probe sense capability, the driver disables caching for properties that depend on the probe attenuation. These properties include IviScope Vertical Range, IviScope Vertical Offset, and all the properties that configure trigger levels. To maximize performance, you should set this property to a manual probe attenuation setting.

If the oscilloscope is set to sense the probe attenuation automatically, setting this property to a positive value disables the automatic probe sense and configures the oscilloscope to use the manual probe attenuation you specify.

TRIGGER TYPE Edge 1 Configures the oscilloscope for edge triggering. An edge trigger occurs when the trigger signal passes through the voltage threshold specified by the IviScope Trigger Level property and has the slope specified by the IviScope Trigger Slope property.
Width 2 Configures the oscilloscope for width triggering. A width trigger occurs when the oscilloscope detects a positive or negative pulse with a width between, or optionally outside, the width thresholds. You specify the width thresholds with the IviScope Width High Threshold and IviScope Width Low Threshold properties. You specify whether the oscilloscope triggers on pulse widths that are within or outside the width thresholds with the IviScope Width Condition property. You specify the polarity of the pulse with the IviScope Width Polarity property. The trigger does not actually occur until the edge of a pulse that corresponds to the width thresholds, width condition, and polarity you specify crosses the trigger level that you specify with the IviScope Trigger Level property.
Runt 3 Configures the oscilloscope for runt triggering. A runt trigger occurs when the trigger signal crosses one of the runt thresholds twice without crossing the other runt threshold. You specify the runt thresholds with the IviScope Runt High Threshold and IviScope Runt Low Threshold properties. You specify the polarity of the runt with the IviScope Runt Polarity property.
Glitch 4 4
TV 5 Configures the oscilloscope to trigger on TV signals. The user configures the trigger with the IviScope TV Trigger Signal Format, IviScope TV Trigger Line Number, and IviScope TV Trigger Polarity, properties.
Immediate 6 The oscilloscope does not wait for a trigger of any kind.
AC Line 7 The oscilloscope waits for a trigger on the AC line.
TRIGGER SLOPE Positive 1 A positive (rising) edge passing through the trigger level triggers the oscilloscope.
Negative 0 A negative (falling) edge passing through the trigger level triggers the oscilloscope.
TRIGGER SOURCE External "VAL_EXTERNAL" The oscilloscope waits for a trigger on the external trigger.
PXI TRIG0 or VXI TTL0 "VAL_TTL0" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the TLL0 line.
PXI TRIG1 or VXI TTL1 "VAL_TTL1" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the TLL1 line.
PXI TRIG2 or VXI TTL2 "VAL_TTL2" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the TLL2 line.
PXI TRIG3 or VXI TTL3 "VAL_TTL3" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the TLL3 line.
PXI TRIG4 or VXI TTL4 "VAL_TTL4" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the TLL4 line.
PXI TRIG5 or VXI TTL5 "VAL_TTL5" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the TLL5 line.
PXI TRIG6 or VXI TTL6 "VAL_TTL6" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the TLL6 line.
PXI TRIG7 or VXI TTL7 "VAL_TTL7" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the TLL7 line.
ECLO "VAL_ECL0" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the ECL0 line.
ECL1 "VAL_ECL1" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the ECL1 line.
PXI Star "VAL_PXI_STAR" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the PXI Star bus.
RTSI0 "VAL_RTSI_0" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the RTSI 0 line.
RTSI1 "VAL_RTSI_1" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the RTSI 1 line.
RTSI2 "VAL_RTSI_2" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the RTSI 2 line.
RTSI3 "VAL_RTSI_3" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the RTSI 3 line.
RTSI4 "VAL_RTSI_4" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the RTSI 4 line.
RTSI5 "VAL_RTSI_5" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the RTSI 5 line.
RTSI6 "VAL_RTSI_6" The oscilloscope waits until it receives a trigger on the RTSI 6 line.
TRIGGER COUPLING AC 0 The oscilloscope AC couples the trigger signal.
DC 1 The oscilloscope DC couples the trigger signal.
HF Reject 3 The oscilloscope rejects high frequencies from the trigger signal.
LF Reject 4 The oscilloscope rejects low frequencies from the trigger signal.
Noise Reject 5 The oscilloscope rejects noise form the trigger signal.
INTERPOLATION No Interpolation 1 The oscilloscope does not interpolate points in the waveform. Instead, the driver sets every element in the waveform array for which the oscilloscope cannot resolve a value to an IEEE-defined NaN (Not a Number) value.
sin(x)/x 2 The oscilloscope uses a sine(x)/x calculation to interpolate a value when it can not resolve a voltage in the waveform record.
Linear Intrepolation 3 The oscilloscope uses a linear approximation to interpolate a value when it can not resolve a voltage in the waveform record.
TV TRIGGER SIGNAL FORMAT NTSC 1 Sets the TV trigger signal format to NTSC.
PAL 2 Sets the TV trigger signal format to PAL.
SECAM 3 Sets the TV trigger signal format to SECAM.
TV TRIGGER EVENT Field 1 1 Field 1 of the video signal.
Field 2 2 Field 2 of the video signal.
Any Field 3 Any field of the video signal.
Any Line 4 Any line of the video signal.
Line Number 5
TV TRIGGER POLARITY Positive 1 Positive video sync pulse.
Negative 1 Negative video sync pulse.
RUNT POLARITY Positive 1 The oscilloscope triggers on a positive runt. A positive runt occurs when a rising edge crosses the low runt threshold and does not cross the high runt threshold before re-crossing the low runt threshold.
Negative 2 The oscilloscope triggers on a negative runt. A negative runt occurs when a falling edge crosses the high runt threshold and does not cross the low runt threshold before re-crossing the high runt threshold.
Either 3 The oscilloscope triggers on either a positive or negative runt.
GLITCH POLARITY Positive 1 The oscilloscope triggers on a positive glitch.
Negative 2 The oscilloscope triggers on a negative glitch.
Either 3 The oscilloscope triggers on either a positive or negative glitch.
GLITCH CONDITION Less Than 1 The oscilloscope triggers on a less-than glitch.
Greater Than 2 The oscilloscope triggers on a greater-than glitch.
WIDTH POLARITY Positive 1 Configures the oscilloscope to trigger on positive pulses that have a width that meets the condition you specify with the IviScope Width Condition property.
Negative 2 Configures the oscilloscope to trigger on negative pulses that have a width that meets the condition you specify with the IviScope Width Condition property.
WIDTH CONDITION Within 1 Configures the oscilloscope to trigger on pulses that have a width that is less than the high threshold and greater than the low threshold. You specify the high and low thresholds with the IviScope Width High Threshold and IviScope Width Low Threshold properties.
Outside 2 Configures the oscilloscope to trigger on pulses that have a width that is either greater than the high threshold or less than a low threshold. You specify the high and low thresholds with the IviScope Width High Threshold and IviScope Width Low Threshold properties.
AC LINE TRIGGER SLOPE Positive 1 Configures the oscilloscope to trigger on positive slope zero crossings of the network supply voltage.
Negative 2 Configures the oscilloscope to trigger on negative slope zero crossings of the network supply voltage.
Either 3 Configures the oscilloscope to trigger on either positive or negative slope zero crossings of the network supply voltage.
ACQUISITION TYPE Normal 0 Configures the oscilloscope to acquire one sample for each point in the waveform record. The oscilloscope uses real-time or equivalent time sampling.
Peak Detect 1 Sets the oscilloscope to the peak-detect acquisition mode. The oscilloscope oversamples the input signal and keeps the minimum and maximum values that correspond to each position in the waveform record. The oscilloscope uses only real-time sampling.
High Resolution 2 Configures the oscilloscope to oversample the input signal The oscilloscope calculates the average value that corresponds to each position in the waveform record. The oscilloscope uses only real-time sampling.
Envelope 3 Sets the oscilloscope to the envelope acquisition mode. The oscilloscope acquires multiple waveforms and keeps the minimum and maximum voltages it acquires for each point in the waveform record. You specify the number of waveforms the oscilloscope acquires with the IviScope Number of Envelopes property. The oscilloscope can use real-time or equivalent-time sampling.
Average 4 Configures the oscilloscope to acquire multiple waveforms and calculate the average value for each point in the waveform record. You specify the number of waveforms to acquire with the IviScope Number of Averages property. The oscilloscope uses real-time or equivalent time sampling.
TRIGGER MODIFIER No Trigger Modifier 1 The oscilloscope waits until the trigger you specify occurs.
Auto 2 The oscilloscope automatically triggers if the configured trigger does not occur within the oscilloscope's timeout period.
Auto Level 3 The oscilloscope adjusts the trigger level if the trigger you specify does not occur.
SAMPLE MODE Real Time 0 Indicates that the oscilloscope is using real-time sampling.
Equivalent Time 1 Indicates that the oscilloscope is using equivalent time sampling.

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