IviUpconverter Extension Capability Groups
The IviUpconverter class driver identifies VIs and properties that belong to an extension group with the following abbreviations. Instrument specific drivers are not required to implement any of the extension capability groups. If you use VIs and properties that belong to extension capability groups, every instrument specific driver that you use must implement those extensions.
Group Name | Description |
IviUpconverterOutputGain | Supports upconverters that specify the output gain. |
IviUpconverterOutputPowerLevel | Supports upconverters that specify the output power level as an absolute value. |
IviUpconverterCalibration | Supports upconverters that self calibrate. |
IviUpconverterOutputReadyTrigger | Supports upconverters that can send a trigger signal when the RF output has settled to a point that is suitable for processing by a downstream component. |
IviUpconverterModulateAM | Supports upconverters that apply amplitude modulation to an output signal. |
IviUpconverterModulateFM | Supports upconverters that apply frequency modulation to an output signal. |
IviUpconverterModulatePM | Supports upconverters that apply phase modulation to an output signal. |
IviUpconverterAnalogModulationSource | Supports upconverters with at least one modulation source. |
IviUpconverterModulatePulse | Supports upconverters that apply pulse modulation to an output signal. |
IviUpconverterBypass | Supports upconverters that have the IF input completely bypass the upconverter. |
IviUpconverterSweep | Supports upconverters that sweep the output frequency, power, or gain. |
IviUpconverterFrequencySweep | Supports upconverters that sweep the output frequency. |
IviUpconverterPowerSweep | Supports upconverters that sweep the output power. |
IviUpconverterGainSweep | Supports upconverters that sweep the upconverter gain. |
IviUpconverterFrequencyStep | Supports upconverters that sweep the output frequency in discrete steps. |
IviUpconverterPowerStep | Supports upconverters that sweep the output power in discrete steps. |
IviUpconverterGainStep | Supports upconverters that sweep the upconverter gain in discrete steps. |
IviUpconverterList | Supports upconverters that sweep the output frequency, power, or gain by a list of values. |
IviUpconverterALC | Supports upconverters that use an automatic level control. |
IviUpconverterAttenuatorHold | Supports upconverters that hold the RF output attenuators. |
IviUpconverterReferenceOscillator | Supports upconverters that use an external reference frequency. |
IviUpconverterSoftwareTrigger | Supports upconverters that trigger off of a software signal. |
IviUpconverterModulateIQ | Supports upconverters that apply vector (IQ) modulation to an output signal. |
IviUpconverterIQImpairment | Supports upconverters that apply impairment to vector (IQ) modulation. |