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IVI Compliance Package

IviDmm Fetch

IviDmm Base Capability Group

This VI returns the value from a previously initiated measurement.

You must first call the IviDmm Initiate VI to initiate a measurement before calling this VI.

  1. After this VI executes, the Reading parameter contains an actual reading or a value indicating that an overrange condition occurred.
  2. If an overrange condition occurs, the Reading parameter contains an IEEE-defined NaN (Not a Number) value and the VI returns the IVIDMM_WARN_OVER_RANGE (0x3FFA2001) warning code.
  3. You can test the measurement value for an overrange condition by calling the IviDmm Is Over-Range VI.
  4. The class driver returns a simulated measurement when this VI is called and the IviDmm Simulate property is set to TRUE and the IviDmm Use Specific Simulation property is set to FALSE. For information on how to configure a simulated measurement, refer to National Instruments IVI Driver Help»IVI Class Driver Simulation Overview.
  5. This VI does not check the instrument status. Typically, you call this VI only in a sequence of calls to other low-level driver VIs. The sequence performs one operation. You use the low-level VIs to optimize one or more aspects of interaction with the instrument. If you want to check the instrument status, call the IviDmm Error-Query VI at the conclusion of the sequence.
instrument handle The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviDmm Initialize or IviDmm Initialize With Options VI.
maximum time (5000 ms) Pass the maximum length of time in which to allow the fetch operation to complete. Express this value in milliseconds.

If the operation does not complete within this time interval, the VI returns the IVIDMM_ERROR_MAX_TIME_EXCEEDED (0xBFFA2003) error code. When this occurs, you can call IviDmm Abort to cancel the fetch operation and return the instrument to the Idle state.

Defined Values:

IVIDMM_VAL_MAX_TIME_INFINITE (-1)—Wait indefinitely for a timeout.

IVIDMM_VAL_MAX_TIME_IMMEDIATE (0)—Do not wait for a timeout.

Default Value: 5000 (ms)

Note  The Maximum Time parameter affects only this VI. It has no effect on other timeout parameters or properties.
error in (no error) The error in cluster can accept error information wired from VIs previously called. Use this information to decide if any functionality should be bypassed in the event of errors from other VIs.

The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.

instrument handle out The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviDmm Initialize or IviDmm Initialize With Options VI.
reading Returns the measured value. The value you specify for the Measurement Function parameter of the IviDmm Configure Measurement VI determines the units of this parameter as shown in the following table.
DC Voltsvolts
AC Voltsvolts
DC Currentamperes
AC Currentamperes
2-Wire Resistanceohms
4-Wire Resistanceohms
AC plus DC Voltsvolts
AC plus DC Currentamperes
  1. If an overrange condition occurs, the Reading parameter contains an IEEE-defined NaN (Not a Number) value and the VI returns the IVIDMM_WARN_OVER_RANGE (0x3FFA2001) warning code.
  2. You can test the measurement value for an overrange condition by calling the IviDmm Is Over-Range VI.
error out The error out cluster passes error or warning information out of a VI to be used by other VIs.

The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.