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Configure FM Internal

IVI Compliance Package

IviFgen Configure FM Internal

IviFgenModulateFM Capability Group [FM]

This VI configures the properties that control the function generator's internal frequency modulation source. These properties are the peak deviation, waveform, and frequency.

instrument handle The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviFgen Initialize or IviFgen Initialize With Options VI.
peak deviation (100 Hz) Pass the maximum frequency deviation you want the function generator to apply to the carrier waveform. This deviation corresponds to the maximum amplitude level of the modulating signal. The driver sets the IviFgen FM Internal Deviation [FM] property to this value.

Units: hertz (Hz)

Default Value: 100.0

modulation frequency (1000 Hz) Specifies the frequency of the internal modulating signal. The driver sets the IviFgen FM Internal Frequency [FM] property to this value.

Units: hertz (Hz)

Default Value: 1000 Hz

error in (no error) The error in cluster can accept error information wired from VIs previously called. Use this information to decide if any functionality should be bypassed in the event of errors from other VIs.

The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.

modulation waveform (Sine) Pass the waveform you want to use to modulate the output signal. The driver sets the IviFgen FM Internal Waveform [FM] property to this value.

Defined Values:




IVIFGEN_VAL_FM_INTERNAL_RAMP_UP—Positive ramp waveform


Default Value:


instrument handle out The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviFgen Initialize or IviFgen Initialize With Options VI.
error out The error out cluster passes error or warning information out of a VI to be used by other VIs.

The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.