IviScope Configure Trigger
IviScope Base Capability Group
This VI configures the common properties of the trigger subsystem. These properties are the trigger type and holdoff. Details
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instrument handle The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviScope Initialize or the IviScope Initialize With Options VI. | ||
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trigger type Pass the type of trigger you want the oscilloscope to use. The driver sets the IviScope Trigger Type to this value.
Defined Values: IVISCOPE_VAL_EDGE_TRIGGER—Configures the oscilloscope for edge triggering. An edge trigger occurs when the trigger signal crosses the trigger level you specify with the slope you specify. You configure the trigger level and slope with the IviScope Configure Edge Trigger Source VI. IVISCOPE_VAL_TV_TRIGGER—Configures the oscilloscope for TV triggering. You configure the TV signal type, the event on which to trigger, and the signal polarity with the IviScope Configure TV Trigger Source [TV] and IviScope Configure TV Trigger Line Number [TV] VIs. IVISCOPE_VAL_RUNT_TRIGGER—Configures the oscilloscope for runt triggering. A runt trigger occurs when the trigger signal crosses one of the runt thresholds twice without crossing the other runt threshold. You configure the runt thresholds and the polarity of the runt with the IviScope Configure Runt Trigger Source [RT] VI. IVISCOPE_VAL_GLITCH_TRIGGER—Configures the oscilloscope for glitch triggering. A glitch trigger occurs when the trigger signal has a pulse with a width that is less than the glitch width. The trigger does not actually occur until the edge of the pulse that corresponds to the glitch width and polarity you specify crosses the trigger level. You configure the glitch width, the polarity of the pulse, and the trigger level with the IviScope Configure Glitch Trigger Source [GT] VI. IVISCOPE_VAL_WIDTH_TRIGGER—Configures the oscilloscope for width triggering. A width trigger occurs when the oscilloscope detects a positive or negative pulse with a width between, or optionally outside, the width thresholds. The trigger does not actually occur until the edge of a pulse that corresponds to the width thresholds and polarity you specify crosses the trigger level. You configure the width thresholds, whether to trigger on pulse widths that are within or outside the width thresholds, the polarity of the pulse, and the trigger level with the IviScope Configure Width Trigger Source [WT] VI. IVISCOPE_VAL_AC_LINE_TRIGGER—Configures the oscilloscope for AC Line triggering. You configure the slope on which to trigger with the IviScope Configure AC Line Trigger Slope [AT] VI. IVISCOPE_VAL_IMMEDIATE_TRIGGER—Configures the oscilloscope for immediate triggering. The oscilloscope does not wait for trigger of any kind upon initialization. Default Value: IVISCOPE_VAL_EDGE_TRIGGER
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trigger holdoff (seconds) Pass the length of time you want the oscilloscope to wait after it detects a trigger until the oscilloscope enables the trigger subsystem to detect another trigger. The driver sets the IviScope Trigger Holdoff property to this value.
This parameter affects instrument operation only when the oscilloscope requires multiple acquisitions to build a complete waveform. The oscilloscope requires multiple waveform acquisitions when it uses equivalent-time sampling or when you set the acquisition type to envelope or average. Units: seconds |
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error in (no error) The error in cluster can accept error information wired from VIs previously called. Use this information to decide if any functionality should be bypassed in the event of errors from other VIs.
The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed. |
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instrument handle out The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviScope Initialize or the IviScope Initialize With Options VI. |
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error out The error out cluster passes error or warning information out of a VI to be used by other VIs.
The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed. |
IviScope Configure Trigger Details
When you call IviScope Read Waveform, IviScope Read Waveform Measurement [WM], IviScope Read Min Max Waveform [MmW], or IviScope Initiate Acquisition, the oscilloscope waits for a trigger. You specify the type of trigger for which the oscilloscope waits with the Trigger Type parameter.
If the oscilloscope requires multiple waveform acquisitions to build a complete waveform, it waits for the length of time you specify with the Holdoff parameter to elapse since the previous trigger. The oscilloscope then waits for the next trigger. Once the oscilloscope acquires a complete waveform, it returns to the Idle state.
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Note After you call this VI, you must call the trigger configuration VI that corresponds to the Trigger Type you select to completely specify the trigger. For example, if you set the Trigger Type to IVISCOPE_VAL_EDGE_TRIGGER, you use the IviScope Configure Edge Trigger Source VI to completely specify the trigger. |