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Base Capability Group

IVI Compliance Package

IviUpconverterBase Capability Group

The IviUpconverterBase capability group supports basic upconverter operation. You can use the VIs and properties in the IviUpconverterBase capability group to configure and access IF input frequency and attenuation as well as RF output frequency and gain. This capability group also defines VIs for using an external local oscillator (LO).

This specification defines an IF input repeated capability to accommodate devices that offer multiple IF inputs. Many devices, however, offer only a single IF input. The following figure presents the basic aspects of a single-input upconverter.

The figure illustrates an upconverter that has a single IF or I/Q input feeding the front-end elements of the device. The frequency translation section includes a mixer, filter, and amplifier followed by an RF gain stage. Depending upon the design of the upconverter, the order in which these elements appears may vary.

Some upconverters offer multiple IF inputs along with multiple RF outputs. This specification does not dictate whether the RF outputs are dedicated to specific IF inputs or whether they are shared amongst the multiple IF inputs. You can use a repeated capability naming scheme that indicates whether or not RF outputs are associated with specific IF inputs.

IviUpconverterBase VIs

IviUpconverter Configure IF Input Attenuation

IviUpconverter Configure RF Output Enabled

IviUpconverter Configure RF Output Frequency

IviUpconverter Get IF Input Name

IviUpconverter Get RF Output Name

IviUpconverter Set Active IF Input

IviUpconverter Set Active RF Output

IviUpconverter Wait Until Ready

IviUpconverterBase Properties

IviUpconverter Active IF Input

IviUpconverter Active RF Output

IviUpconverter ALC Enabled

IviUpconverter Auto Corrections Enabled

IviUpconverter External LO Enabled

IviUpconverter External LO Frequency

IviUpconverter IF Input Attenuation

IviUpconverter IF Input Count

IviUpconverter IF Input Coupling

IviUpconverter IF Input Frequency

IviUpconverter Is Ready

IviUpconverter RF Output Bandwidth

IviUpconverter RF Output Count

IviUpconverter RF Output Enabled

IviUpconverter RF Output Frequency

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IviUpconverterBase Behavior Model