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Configure Scan List

IVI Compliance Package

IviSwtch Configure Scan List

IviSwtchScanner Capability Group [SCN]

This VI configures the switch module for scanning.

Use the IviSwtch Configure Scan Trigger VI to configure the scan trigger. Use the IviSwtch Initiate Scan VI to start the scan.

If the switch module is currently scanning through the scan list, this VI returns the IVISWTCH_ERROR_SCAN_IN_PROGRESS (0xBFFA2006) error without configuring the scan list.

If the given scan list string contains incorrect syntax, this VI returns the IVISWTCH_ERROR_INVALID_SCAN_LIST (0xBFFA2002) error.

If the given scan list string is empty, this VI returns the IVISWTCH_ERROR_EMPTY_SCAN_LIST (0xBFFA2004) error.

path capability Indicates whether a path is valid. Possible values include:







  1. IVISWTCH_VAL_PATH_AVAILABLE indicates that the driver can create the path at this time.
  2. IVISWTCH_VAL_PATH_EXISTS indicates that the explicit path between the channels already exists.
  3. IVISWTCH_VAL_PATH_UNSUPPORTED indicates that the instrument is not capable of creating a path between the two channels.
  4. IVISWTCH_VAL_RSRC_IN_USE indicates that although the path is valid, the driver cannot create the path at this moment because the switch module is currently using one or more of the required channels to create another path. You must destroy the other path before creating this one.
  5. IVISWTCH_VAL_SOURCE_CONFLICT indicates that the instrument cannot create a path because both channels are connected to a different source channel.
  6. IVISWTCH_VAL_CHANNEL_NOT_AVAILABLE indicates that the driver cannot create a path between the two channels because one of the channels is a configuration channel and thus unavailable for external connections.
instrument handle The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviSwtch Initialize or IviSwtch Initialize With Options VI.
scan list ("") Pass the scan list you want the instrument to use. The driver uses this value to set the IviSwtch Scan List [SCN] property.

The scan list is a string that specifies channel connections and trigger conditions for scanning. After you call the IviSwtch Initiate Scan VI, the instrument makes or breaks connections and waits for triggers according to the instructions in the scan list.

The scan list is comprised of channel names that you separate with special characters. These special characters determine the operation the scanner performs on the channels when it executes this scan list. See the IviSwtch Scan List property for detailed description on the scan list syntax.

scan mode (No Action) Pass the scan mode you want the instrument to use. The driver sets the IviSwtch Scan Mode [SCN] property to this value.

The scan mode specifies how the instrument breaks existing connections when scanning.

Defined values:

IVISWTCH_VAL_NONE (0)—The instrument takes no action on existing connections.

IVISWTCH_VAL_BREAK_BEFORE_MAKE (1)—The instrument breaks an existing connection before creating a new one. This is useful if you want to prevent two channels from connecting together in the transitional period.

IVISWTCH_VAL_BREAK_AFTER_MAKE (2)—The instrument breaks an existing connection after creating a new one. This is useful if you want to prevent damage from occurring on inductive elements of a circuit that cannot stand rapid changes in the current flow.

error in (no error) The error in cluster can accept error information wired from VIs previously called. Use this information to decide if any functionality should be bypassed in the event of errors from other VIs.

The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.

instrument handle out The instrument handle that you obtain from the IviSwtch Initialize or IviSwtch Initialize With Options VI.
error out The error out cluster passes error or warning information out of a VI to be used by other VIs.

The pop-up option Explain Error (or Explain Warning) gives more information about the error displayed.